On Thu, 2008-10-30 at 17:24 +0100, Harald Falkenberg wrote:
> Hi,
> I found that some agents sent http request headers as follows:
>       te: chunked

For some secret definition of some? Can we know which UAs send this?

> questions:
> 1. What is the meaning of this header? I still didn't found any
>       description of it.


> 2. it looks like that this requests header (te: chunked) leads to
>       passing by request in respect to the apache cache, and all
>       request were send to the back-end web servers (like using
>       force reload in the browser). Can the header "te: chunked"
>       explain such behaviour or is there something else wrong?

Doubt it. It simply negotiates how the client and server are prepared to
talk to each other, it shouldn't have any effect on cacheing. If the
exact same request is repeated, but without the TE header, does it then
hit the cache? telnet is your friend.

> regards
>       Harald Falkenberg
>       and requests always



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