
I have followed all instructions on setting up a password protect directory on 
my local server. 
Nothing works.

I am usaing Windows Vista Ultimate and Apache2.2, with php5.2.8 and Perl

I have followed the instructions to the letter, used .htpasswd to create the 
password file and 
added the correct detail into the htaccess file

AuthType Basic
AuthName private
AuthUserFile .htpasswd
Require valid-user
<Files .*>
deny from all

I have followed alternative instructions on the Apache documentation site.

The http config file is correctly configured.

The password request box comes up but then the correct user and password 
details are 
entered all I get is
Internal Server Error
The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to 
complete your request ... blah blah blah
The URL in question is

Grateful for any clue to make this work as it should.

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