I've forgotten whether there was some special complicating factor in
the original request.  This works here with 2.2.10:

AuthType                Basic
AuthBasicProvider       ldap
AuthName                "ADS"

AuthBasicAuthoritative  On

AuthLDAPURL             "ldap://domain controller 
list/ou=Accounts,dc=ads,dc=iu,dc=edu?CN?one" STARTTLS
AuthLDAPBindDN          "CN=initial bind 
AuthLDAPBindPassword    "secret password here"
AuthzLDAPAuthoritative  Off
AuthLDAPGroupAttribute  member

Require ldap-group      cn=IN-ULib-Admins,ou=IN-ADMINS,ou=IN,dc=ADS,dc=IU,dc=Edu

I'm sure that some of that is debris from trying various things to
make it work, which I'm now scared to touch. :-/  Adjust the Require
directive, "domain controller list", "initial bind user", "secret
password here" and various DNs as needed.

Mark H. Wood, Lead System Programmer   mw...@iupui.edu
Friends don't let friends publish revisable-form documents.

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