Hello all, I have an old Windows web system I'm trying to migrate from an 
ancient version of Netscape Enterprise Server to Apache 2.2.x.  Most of 
the site is static content and I have that working correctly.  However 
part of the site is also using another ancient technology called FoxWeb 
which is basically an old way of putting FoxPro applications on the web. I 

need to be able to setup Apache to send all requests that come in with a 
URL like /cgi/login?foo=bar to the executable 
c:\FoxWeb_Test\foxweb\foxweb.exe.  It should be noted that each "page" is 
actually a FoxPro executable such as login.app or login.prg, however the 
extension isn't included in the URL's request.  \

Here's what my web structure looks like:

c:\FoxWeb_Test          # Root of the web server
c:\FoxWeb_Test\http             # Static html files and graphics
c:\FoxWeb_Test\foxweb   # FoxPro web applications - when a request for 
anything in here is made c:\FoxWeb_Test\foxweb\foxweb.exe needs to be 
called as a CGI with the request information

Here's what I have for a virtual host so far, and it's already serving 
static content correctly.

<VirtualHost *:8080>
  DocumentRoot "C:\FoxWeb_Test\http"
  ServerName testaccount.harte-hanks.com

  <Directory "/">
    Options +Indexes FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride AuthConfig FileInfo
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

Adding the following gets it to work for .app files, but I need a fix that 

allows all files regardless of extension to go to foxweb.exe.

  AddHandler foxweb-script .app
  Action foxweb-script "/cgi/foxweb.exe"

  ScriptAlias /cgi/ "C:/FoxWeb_Test/foxweb/"
  <Directory "C:/FoxWeb_Test/foxweb/">
    AllowOverride None
    Options None
    Order allow,deny
    Allow from all

I've also tried adding "SetHandler foxweb-script" to the foxweb directory 
directive but that gives me an error stating that too many internal 
redirects were made.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide.

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