Hi Apache folks,

This is regarding "<IfDefine>" directive in httpd.conf for apache-2.2.x .

My httpd.conf had all SSL related configuration wrapped under <IfDefine SSL>
as below,

<IfDefine SSL> ....
SSLCertificateFile conf/ssl/server.crt SSLCertificateKeyFile

Till now based on the system configuration, I would decide if I need to
start apache with -DSSL or not (to enable/disable https feature).

I would need to know if there is any other alternative means by which,
instead of defining the macro from command line (like -DSSL), can it be
defined in the httpd.conf itself ? So that I can just start apache everytime
by just running httpd.exe instead of caring on command line options ?

Please do let me know your views on this.

Thanks and regards,

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