Presently based on the existance of SSL cert/key files, my application
decides either to start apache with (or) without "-D SSL" command line.  And
the corresponding derivatives for SSL configuration being wrapped under
"<IfDefine SSL>" clause. Due to some architectural constraint in my
application, I am planning to find an alternative way to dynamically define
"SSL" parameter in httpd.conf itself (with some derirather rather than
through command line option.

My doubt is, suppose if I have any derivatives in httpd.conf wrapped under
"<IfDefine ABC>" clause. Then, is command line option (-DABC) the one & only
means to define(enable) "ABC" paramater?

Or is there any altervative approach which allows me to define "ABC" through
httpd.conf? And achieve the similar functionality that "-DABC" would do...

(P.S: I feel that commenting & Uncommenting that IfDefine SSL in httpd.conf
wouldn't be robust enough).
Could you please help me out with your thoughts on this.

On Wed, Mar 11, 2009 at 2:59 PM, André Warnier <> wrote:

> sathya sai wrote:
> [...]
> Well of course you can remove the <IfDefine ..> </IfDefine> lines from your
> httpd.conf, and comment/uncomment the corresponding lines themselves.  But
> it is a lot less flexible.
> Also, depending on your platform and package setup, there may be other ways
> to achieve this.  But since you did not tell us these details, it is
> difficult to suggest something.
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