Dear Friends.


One of my Webserver running with following configurations.

Processor  : Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU      E5430  @ 2.66GHz

Memory    : 4Giga

Apache      : 2.2.3 (Installed from Binary)

MPM         : Prefork


Some of output from the server is as follows (Almost All Time ..).


ps -ef | grep httpd  | wc -l     ==  45

netstat -tn | wc -l  == 1221

netstat -tn | grep ESTABLISHED | grep 443 | wc -l  == 29


My Prefork configuration is as follows...


<IfModule prefork.c>

StartServers       8

MinSpareServers    5

MaxSpareServers   20

ServerLimit      251

MaxClients       251

MaxRequestsPerChild  4000



My problem is sometimes server is shoot up with heavy load and hangs. I need
to restart the Apache to settle down the load to normal.

This is Moodle installed server. Students uploading Assignments, checking
for timetable, will attend Quiz and online exams. MySQL is

also running in the same server. I suspect Apache is causing the load


Please recommend a perfect Prefork configuration on the above scenario.


Thanks in Advance.


Greetings ....




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