I think this is a problem about Apache and virtual hosting.....  but I
am not sure...    I have looked at the section in the Webmin book which
has lots of information but ….  it is in too great a detail for me to
understand in overview what I should do.

I have been following the suggestions here to install Joomla
and have run into a fundamental problem.  I wish to run the Joomla
installer and I will host my own domain using dyndns for the fixed IP. 
The domain name and the server host name will be different.

My server has the following directories in /var/www

What I am trying to do is browse from a client pc to
http://hostname/joomla to get the installer to run. The problem is that
this gives a 404 error message..... the browser appears to search the
Internet rather than the local server.

The error is "The requested URL /joomla was not found on this server.  
Apache/2.2.11 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.6-3ubuntu4.1 with Suhosin-Patch Server at
hostname Port 80"

If I go to http://hostname then the torrentflux login page appears

I can see that I have to change something so that the Joomla directory
is found but I am not clear what, I guess it is in Apache. Are there any
suggestions of where to look?

I am running Ubuntu 9.04 Server 64 bit.

I know this sounds like a headache ...  so thanks for any suggestions
you can make ...

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