On Sep 22, 2009, at 07:53 , Joahnn Gile wrote:

--- Nick Kew <n...@webthing.com> schrieb am Di, 22.9.2009:

Easier just to have the same URL for everyone (protected
Require valid-user or similar), and map that to the
for the authenticated user.  Rewriterule can check for
authenticated user.

Do you mean like this:
http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.apache.user/39622 ?
The problem is, as I wrot in my post, that I need to maintain the existing URL scheme which is http://example.net/user999/ .

Consider using mod_authz_owner which will do authentication based on the username that owns the file/directory. Assuming that the directories in question will be owned by that user, that should work.

Rich Bowen

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