I would say something is wrong with your new virtual host definition. It's
not a redirection but since the request doesn't match any virtual host is
being served by the first one in the config file.

On Tue, Oct 6, 2009 at 2:03 AM, Oliver Marshall <
oliver.marsh...@g2support.com> wrote:

>  Hi chaps,
> Was wondering if someone can help me look at a problem. We've created a new
> virtual host entry on a particular box, which do frequently (once a month or
> so) only this time, when a user goes to the new site, they get directed to
> the first site in the conf file.
> You can type in http://wiggle.mydomain.com and hit enter and you instantly
> get a http://woggle.mydomain.com and the address bar in the browser also
> changes.
> I've tried creating other new virtual host entries with just the absolute
> basic entries and those also show the same issue. I've also tried adding a
> custom log entry for the new vhost sites but the log stays empty.
> There's no .htaccess file involved in either of the sites.
> The new vhost entry looks like this;
> <virtualhost new_site.mydomain.co.uk:80>
>              documentroot /var/www/new_site
>              servername new_site.mydomain.co.uk
> </virtualhost>
> The site that it get's directed to looks like this;
> <VirtualHost first_site.mydomain.co.uk:80>
>         DocumentRoot /var/www/first_site
>         ServerName first_site.mydomain.co.uk
>         ServerName first_site.mydomain.com
>         <directory />
>                 AuthBasicProvider ldap
>                 AuthzLDAPAuthoritative off
>                 AuthLDAPBindDN "CN=LDAP USER,CN=Users,DC=mydomain,DC=local"
>                 AuthLDAPBindPassword ***************
>                 AuthLDAPURL
> "ldap://server1/DC=mydomain,DC=local?sAMAccountName?sub?(objectClass=*)"
>                 AuthLDAPGroupAttributeIsDN on
>                 require ldap-group CN=Web Users,OU=Security
> Groups,OU=Mydomain LLP,DC=mydomain,DC=local
>                 AuthName "Mydomain First Site"
>         </directory>
> </VirtualHost>
> There are lots of other sites on the server and they are working fine, its
> just started happening today. We've also tried using a plain "hello world"
> style index.html file to rule out any meta refresh issue that the coders may
> have put in to the index file. The SVN stuff all works fine, it's just there
> for the sake of accuracy.
> Is there a way to find out whats causing the redirect and/or where they
> redirect is happening ?
> Olly
> --
> G2 Support
> Network Support : Online Backups : Server Management

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