On Sun, Nov 1, 2009 at 10:50 AM, Andrei Iarus <poni1...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have looked a lot in Internet, and found many people complaining about
> the same problem, with no normal answer.
> My problem:
> mod_rewrite with its RewriteCond %{ENV:variable} form cannot read correctly
> the environment variables.
> The variable is set directly in the .htaccess OR in the main httpd.conf. No
> matter, the variable won't be read. THe logging of the rewrite process will
> show that the value of %{ENV:variable} will be "".
> I have found the same problem posted 5 years ago, with no answer, which is
> awkward (if this is a bug).
> What I wrote was:
> SetEnv APPLICATION_ENV development
> RewriteCond %{ENV:APPLICATION_ENV} ^development$
> RewriteRule ^.*$ /XXX/index.php [NC,L]
> Unfortunately, it doesnt work. Any experience with that? Where should I
> complain further?
Variables set by SetEnvIf are set earlier than those by SetEnv. Does that
resolve your problem?

Eric Covener

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