I have a WebSVN installation and I want to enable a per repository
authentication. At this page:
there's the WebSVN documentation on how to do that. Since my ISP
(DreamHost) doesn't provide SSPI authentication, I've tried to use the
Basic authentication method instead and added these lines to my .htaccess:

<Location /wsvn/[repo name]/>
AuthType Basic
AuthName "Repository svn"
AuthUserFile /home/liberenote/svn/materiale.passwd
Require valid-user

and I was planning to add a Location section for every repository I have.

Unfortunately, if I add the lines above Apache gives me an error 500,
and its log says:

/home/liberenote/svnfolder/.htaccess: <Location not allowed here

I'd like to know if basic authentication isn't allowed in the location
directive, if no authentication method is allowed (and so the websvn
documentation doesn't tell the truth) or if it's the dreamhost apache
server which is misconfigured.

many thanks,
Iacopo Benesperi

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