The configuration in httpd.conf look like this

    my $app_home     = $ENV{APPS_HOME};
    my $config            =

    my $elog               = '"| rotatelogs '. $config->{log_file} . '%y%m%d
1M "';
    $ErrorLog              = $elog ;
Where the $config->{log_file}  is

But when I checked up the fd 1 of my request process(i suppose this is
STDERR) it points to /nfs/private/user/sns/log/
ursforms.myserver-44088.log . Why so in httpd.conf i configured $ErrorLog to
a pipe and never configured STDERR  how  STDERR automatically picks up
/nfs/private/user/sns/log/myapps.myserver-44088.log for STDERR

--Shibi Ns--

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