On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 8:41 PM, Crypto Sal <crypto....@gmail.com> wrote:

>  In the future, please bottom post to the mailing list. It makes it much
> easier to read.
> Here's a great article on how to see if the modulus on the private key and
> the modulus on the certificate match.
> http://kb.wisc.edu/middleware/page.php?id=4064
> You may also want to read the openssl man pages.
> On 11/16/2009 07:46 PM, sieger...@gmail.com wrote:
> Thanks.what kind of changes do I need to make to the modules. I assume that
> is what you referred to by 'modulus matches on the private key and
> certificate file'
> If you can shine some light on thus 'modulus matches on the private key and
> certificate file'
> Thx
> Sam
> On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 2:27 PM, Crypto Sal <crypto....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  On 11/16/2009 03:48 PM, sieger...@gmail.com wrote:
>> Thank you friends. This SSL stuff drives me nuts .
>> Just to clarify, I had sent a certificate request with xyz.abc.com 
>> <http://cmsevalspry.house.gov/>as the common name. I got back a certificate 
>> with *.
>> abc.com  as the common name from the CA. Can I still use the same key or
>> is it a mismatch?
>>  Hello,
>> As long as the modulus matches on the private key and certificate file,
>> yes it will still work.
Thanks a lot folks. I am getting some sort of handle here .
The problem is  If I use the original key and the certificate that they give
me, the web server does not start I assume because the CN, OU, etc. does not
match.I just want a SSL cert that works.So right now I use a self signed
CA.Now is there a concept of applying for a *Revoke *of an old CA before you
apply for a  a new CA .
Because if I give the CN as  xyz.abc.com I get a certificate *.abc.com why
should that be so .
Thanks again

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