On 11/17/2009 11:37 AM, sieger...@gmail.com wrote:
Thanks a lot folks. I am getting some sort of handle here .
The problem is If I use the original key and the certificate that they give me, the web server does not start I assume because the CN, OU, etc. does not match.I just want a SSL cert that works.So right now I use a self signed CA.Now is there a concept of applying for a *Revoke *of an old CA before you apply for a a new CA . Because if I give the CN as xyz.abc.com <http://xyz.abc.com> I get a certificate *.abc.com <http://abc.com> why should that be so .
Thanks again


Again, the only real thing that needs to match is the modulus on both the key and certificate (outside of setting up a proper VHost, of course). I assume you downloaded the wrong certificate from the CA(Very common). You could always generate a new key and CSR and send that CSR to the CA, who then will send you a new certificate.

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