Hi Scott, I recently posted a message to the group about a 502 error I was 


Given the description of your environment, it's not clear if my situation 
relates. But consider a possible TCP timeout with your back-end server. In my 
case, I was able to adjust a Linux parameter to increase the number of SYN-ACK 
packets the OS sent to keep the TCP connection alive - not a great solution, 
but a verified workaround.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Scott Chapman [mailto:schap...@mischko.com] 
> Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 5:28 PM
> To: users@httpd.apache.org
> Subject: [us...@httpd] proxy 502 problem uploading a large file
> I have Apache 2.2.11 and a web server behind it (CherryPy).
> When I upload a large file to the CherryPy server, I see the 
> file in /tmp/modrproxy.tmp.FOO It uploads completely.
> Then Apache returns a 502 error without ever hitting the 
> backend (the first line of code in the handler is to spit out 
> a log line saying it was reached).
> The access and error logs are below and my virtual host config.
> I can't think what else to try.  I was using RewriteRules for this.
> Same situation.
> This is a production server and it's having problems.  Any 
> help would be greatly appreciated.
> Scott
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