Here is one simple looking requirement :

I want to put max-age header of value X on my home page and a value of Y for
rest of my website.

index.html is my default page but remember i cannot put

<LocationMatch  "^/index.html">
Header set Cache-Control max-age=X

As people will be hitting my website as : : and NOT

Please suggest.

Now while trying things i came across this :

<LocationMatch  "^/[a-z]">
Header set Cache-Control max-age=7200

Ideally it seems that above rule will "NOT" apply to "/" alone. But it does
;-) Now try this :

<LocationMatch  "^/([a-h]|[j-z]">
Header set Cache-Control max-age=7200

This one will "NOT" apply to "/" alone. So some how character "i" matches
"/" ;-)

Rajwinder Singh

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