2010/8/3 Saxa Egea <s...@saxa.dyndns.org>:
>  Dear all,
> I have compiled a httpd 2.2.16 with LDAP and DAV support running over SuSE
> linux.
> I'm trying to create a "ftp like" server through mod_dav. The authentication
> is made to a LDAP directory.
> I want to access with URL's like:
> http://servername/user1000/
> http://servername/user1001/
> http://servername/user1002/
> And just the user1000 should be able to access the user1000 directory, the
> user1001 its own user1001 directory, etc.
> I don't want to create a dedicated rule for each user/directory. And I don't
> want to use the "~" at the beginning of the URL.

I resolved a problem like this using only "servername", without the /user1001.
I have a virtualhost dav.mydomain.com with DAV enabled for read-write
access, and a virtualhost, web.mydomain.com for read-only access,
without DAV. (the r-o access from web.mydomain is in
web.mydomain/user123 format).
The dav.mydomain configuration is like this:

  ServerName dav.gnustile.lan
  ServerAlias dav.*
  DocumentRoot /srv/web

  <Directory /srv/web>
    DAV On
    Options Indexes
    Options +FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "WebDAV"
    AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/vhost.dav
    require valid-user
  RewriteEngine On
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/icons/
  RewriteRule ^/(.*) /srv/web/%{LA-U:REMOTE_USER}/$1
  <Location /icons>
    <LimitExcept GET>
      deny from all
# ...


Stefano Sasso

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