Hi all,

I am trying to configure the latest Apache 2.2.x on Windows 7 64bit (so using 
32bit emulation) as a Reverse Proxy with Load Balancing. I can get the reverse 
proxy side of things to work. The load balancing too works if the origin 
work. But if I configure it to go to a port that is not listened to, then I get 
a 502 every second request and the balancer worker is never put into error 
Proxy Error
The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request GET /--deleted--
Reason: Error reading from remote server

Now I've pulled my hair out looking through Google, so I downloaded the code 
started to reverse engineer how Apache works. My C is pretty rusty but I'm 
getting there. The code looks like it tries to read the status line off the 
response from a dummy request object, fails to do that and sends a 502 without 
placing the worker into error. In fact I can't see anywhere where we can place 
worker into error due to a connection problem. The only place I see is if the 
status code matches a list of status codes that come from the configuration in 
an undocumented config option that doesn't seem to work for me. 

Any ideas?



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