On Thu, Sep 2, 2010 at 3:03 PM, Apache Issues <apacheiss...@yahoo.com>wrote:

> That won't work.  I can't even get results from 'ps aux' to get a pid, SSH
> is super laggy (I can type maybe one character every 4 or 5 seconds - if I'm
> that lucky), and most commands never complete.
> The hardware has been tested and is fine.  The problem occurs randomly -
> we've gone a week without incident before but we've also had days where this
> problem crops up 4-6 times throughout the day.  The "::" log entries are the
> first real clue to the cause.  And the only "solution" we've come up with is
> to reboot the box.

wild ideas

any monitoring scripts which can take action at the first sign of the
problem might be more successful than interactive attempts at capturing ps,
running gcore against high CPU process, whatever

change your "Listen portnumber" directives to "Listen" to
avoid httpd seeing an IPv6 connection (especially one with no source address
or which it somehow mangles to look like that)

CPU rlimits on httpd perhaps?  (I don't think I've ever tried that)

Can you nice the httpd down?  (haven't tried that)

make sure MaxClients isn't way over the capacity of your machine

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