On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 1:27 PM, Michelle Konzack
<linux4miche...@tamay-dogan.net> wrote:
> Hello Tom Evans,
> Am 2010-10-07 10:55:59, hacktest Du folgendes herunter:
>> On Thu, Oct 7, 2010 at 6:51 AM, Michelle Konzack
>> <linux4miche...@tamay-dogan.net> wrote:
>> > ----[ '/etc/apache2/conf.d/apache_proxy' ]------------------------------
>> > NameVirtualHost
>> >
>> > <VirtualHost>
>> >    ServerName          www.tdipmedia.net
>> >    ProxyPass           /
>> >    ProxyPassReverse    /
>> >    <Directory proxy:*>
>> >        Order           deny,allow
>> >        Allow           from all
>> >    </Directory>
>> > </VirtualHost>
>> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Your config doesn't look right to me:
> Hmmm, since my three pootle instances where confliction with  Apache,  I
> have setup last year the following config which is working:
> ----[ '/VServer_10/APACHE_available/pootle.tdwave.net' ]----------------
> <VirtualHost>
>    ServerAdmin         linux4miche...@tamay-dogan.net
>    ServerName          pootle.tdwave.net
>    ProxyPass          /images !
>    ProxyPass          /js !
>    ProxyPass          /pootle.css !
>    ProxyPass          /favicon.ico !
>    ProxyPass          / http://localhost:8888/
>    ProxyPassReverse   / http://localhost:8888/
>    <Directory proxy:http://localhost:8888/*>
>        Order          deny,allow
>        Allow          from all
>    </Directory>
>    DocumentRoot        /usr/share/pootle/html/
>    <Directory /usr/share/pootle/html/>
>        Order           deny,allow
>        Allow           from all
>    </Directory>
>    <Directory />
>        Options         FollowSymLinks Indexes
>        AllowOverride   None
>        Order           deny,allow
>        Allow           from all
>    </Directory>
>    # debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit, alert, emerg.
>    LogLevel            warn
>    ErrorLog            
> /VServer_10/CONFIG_pootle.tdwave.net/log/apache/error.log
>    LogFormat           "%{[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z]}t %h [%V] %l %u \"%r\" %>s 
> %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" vhost
>    CustomLog           
> /VServer_10/CONFIG_pootle.tdwave.net/log/apache/access.log vhost
>    ServerSignature     On
> </VirtualHost>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> and now modified it.  the only difference is, that the newServer is  NOT
> on <localhost> but on IP <>
>>     NameVirtualHost
>> This says 'When a request comes in on the socket listening on IP
>>, port 80, use the Host header from the request to infer
>> the virtualhost to use'.
> Right
>> <VirtualHost>
>>    ServerName          www.tdipmedia.net
>> </VirtualHost>
>> This says: 'When a request comes in on, with Host
>> header 'www.tdipmedia.net', use this virtualhost to serve the request'
> Right too.
>>    ProxyPass           /
>>    ProxyPassReverse    /
>> This says: 'Proxy / to the website on'
> Right too.
>>    <Directory proxy:*>
>>        Order           deny,allow
>>        Allow           from all
>>    </Directory>
>> This is nonsense. A <Directory> refers to a disk location, nothing
>> else. If you wish to restrict who can access a reverse proxy, use a
>> <Proxy> directive or a <Location> directive.
> Hmmm...
>> Well, you haven't specified anything in your config that would result
>> in a redirect, you have configured a proxy. Apart from that...
>> So there are a couple of things you can check.
>> 1) When you connect to the webserver, are you connecting to ?
> Yes, and I get:
> ----[ command 'wget -S -O /dev/null http://www.tdipmedia.net/' ]--------
> --2010-10-07 14:26:26--  http://www.tdipmedia.net/
> Resolving www.tdipmedia.net...
> Connecting to www.tdipmedia.net||:80... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response...
>  HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
>  Date: Thu, 07 Oct 2010 12:26:26 GMT
>  Content-Length: 390
>  Keep-Alive: timeout=15, max=100
>  Connection: Keep-Alive
>  Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
> 2010-10-07 14:26:26 ERROR 403: Forbidden.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> <> is my fixed PUBLIC IP address  and  all  :80  traffic  is
> redirected to my DMZ on <> and some of the servers should be
> proxyied to Servers behind it like the <>.
>> 2) What Host header are you sending to the server? Typically a browser
>> will send the host portion of the URL you type in the address bar -
>> does that match 'www.tdipmedia.net'?
>> 3) Where are your logs? What 'does not work' - explain what you've
>> tried, what the server does when you try that, and what error/info
>> messages are printed in the access and error logs.
> [Thu Oct 07 14:16:45 2010] [error] [client] client denied by 
> server configuration: proxy:
> Thanks, Greetings and nice Day/Evening
>    Michelle Konzack
> --

Can you spot the difference, or shall I point it out? :)

In your working vhost, you have specified a documentroot, and have
granted access to it. In your non working vhost, you haven't done
either, and your <Directory> block doesn't ever get applied, thus
requests are denied.

Either replace your <Directory> block with an appropriate <Location>
block, or give your vhost an empty document root, and change your
Directory block to point at that (/var/empty is where I usually use).



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