Thanks for your input

On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 12:02 PM, Jeroen Geilman <> wrote:

>  On 12/28/10 3:18 PM, Don Hill wrote:
> What I really want to know is there a better design that I should use to
> gain performance.
> Umm.. switch to using mod_proxy_ajp, as the apache documentation suggests ?
> It offers a binary interface and much improved speed.
> for example
>  1.) create multiple HTTPD servers, 2 servers per machine. Each serving 2
> tomcats JVM
> Why ? Because we are on 1.3 and the MaxClients is hard defaulted to 256.
> There are 4 JVM's behind one server and I believe that this could be a
> bottleneck, not allowing > 256 requests to be handled at a time.
> Is your tomcat setup not multithreaded ? Sure it is but seems we are
> limited to the number of requests being served by httpd 1.3
>  2.) use load balancer in workers to handle the load balance to the JVM's.
> The current configuration is balancing through the vhosts and each vhost has
> a worker for a JVM instance.
> That doesn't really make any sense. You can load balance connections, but
> what does "load balance through vhosts" mean ? ah, We have a F5 load
> balancer doing the balancing against the 4 vhosts for each application
> On Mon, Dec 27, 2010 at 9:05 PM, Don Hill <> wrote:
>> Hi.
>>  I am working on a tomcat 5.5 cluster which is using ajp/1.3 and mod_jk
>> and trying to determine the best cluster design given the hardware. I have 2
>> xeon 2.3 ghz 2 CPU machines with 38GB ram machine. Currently here is the
>> config I am using. The TOMCAT and HTTPD servers are on the same physical
>> machine.
>>  Each machine is running HTTPD 1.3 with prefork,
> You're joking.
> Apache 1.3 is EOL. No longer supported. d-e-d-d DEAD.
>   the MaxClients is 256 due compiled in limits. Each machine has 4
>> virtualhosts running through one instance of HTTPD. Two of the VHOSTS are
>> the same app running on 2 Tomcat 5.5 with 8GB RAM(configured by customer).
>> The workers are configured to each VHOST meaning for each machine there are
>> 4 workers defined and one worker is defined for each VHOST. I will try and
>> depict this below. The current load balancing is controlled by F5 and
>> manages the load across 2 machines, 4 VHOST for each app.
>>  Based on this info can someone recommend if this configuration could be
>> improved and if so what would you recommend ?
> Shit yes - replace apache by something from this century. 2.2.17 is
> current.
> Then proceed to learn all about mod_proxy_balancer, which was made for this
> kind of setup.
> --
> J.

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