Hi there,

I have a slight issue with rotatelogs and british summer and wintertime.

When in BST my logfile entries are being written with the correct timestamp
(localised) but the logfile rotation filename does not match the current

e.g i set my logfile name as
/opt/app/apache2.2.17/logs/steve_access_log.%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S with a
rotation time of 86400 seconds.

I then end up with a logfile called steve_error_log.2011-04-06-00_00_00 ,
but the first entry is written at 01:00 and not 00:00 as i would expect.

I can work around this by setting my CustomLog setting as follows:
CustomLog "|/opt/app/apache2.2.17/bin/rotatelogs
/opt/app/apache2.2.17/logs/steve_access_log.%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S 86400 *+60*"

I then end up with the first logfile entry being written at 00:00 and the
last at 23:59.

My concern is though that when we switch back to GMT in October that i will
then have to remove the "+60" from the configuration.

Does anyone in the UK have a better workaround that deals with the switch
between GMT->BST and BST->GMT better without having to resort to
configuration file changes?

Cheers in advance


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