hi rob,

we do have summers, they just don't last very long!!!

Yes normally its started from a startup script and we do specify a TZ
variable, which i've got a feeling is not correct. I'll look into this.



On Wed, Apr 6, 2011 at 1:20 PM, Rob De Langhe <rob.de.lan...@twistfare.be>wrote:

> hey Steve,
> didn't know you guys have summers in Britain ?!   ;-)
> I would guess your Apache is started either from CRON or in any case from a
> startup script that didn't have the right TZ environment variable set.
> Rob
> Citeren Steve Foster <stephenfoster1...@gmail.com>:
> Hi there,
>  I have a slight issue with rotatelogs and british summer and wintertime.
>  When in BST my logfile entries are being written with the correct
> timestamp (localised) but the logfile rotation filename does not match the
> current time,
>  e.g i set my logfile name as
> /opt/app/apache2.2.17/logs/steve_access_log.%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S with a
> rotation time of 86400 seconds.
>  I then end up with a logfile called steve_error_log.2011-04-06-00_00_00 ,
> but the first entry is written at 01:00 and not 00:00 as i would expect.
>  I can work around this by setting my CustomLog setting as follows:
> CustomLog "|/opt/app/apache2.2.17/bin/rotatelogs
> /opt/app/apache2.2.17/logs/steve_access_log.%Y-%m-%d-%H_%M_%S 86400 *+60*"
> ORU_extended
>  I then end up with the first logfile entry being written at 00:00 and the
> last at 23:59.
>  My concern is though that when we switch back to GMT in October that i
> will then have to remove the "+60" from the configuration.
>  Does anyone in the UK have a better workaround that deals with the switch
> between GMT->BST and BST->GMT better without having to resort to
> configuration file changes?
>  Cheers in advance
>  Steve
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