Thanks for the info I will look in to it with our Hosting provider.. and see
what we can do. sound s a bit complicated, but maybe worth it in the end.


Thanks again.




Rob Morin

Systems Administrator

Infinity Labs Inc.

(514) 387-0638 Ext: 207




From: Jeroen Geilman [] 
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2011 3:33 PM
Subject: Re: [users@httpd] General question - Apache server-status page


On 06/13/2011 09:23 PM, Rob Morin wrote: 

Can you please point me in some direction when you say   "Consider proxying
dynamic requests to a dedicated backend (which can run on the same

1. set up apache to run the worker MPM; this has a much smaller memory
footprint, and can start threads much faster than prefork can.
    Much, much faster.
    Scale these "middle-ends" to handle 2000+ threads simultaenously; this
needs only a few gigs.
2. proxy all dynamic content - however identified - to a dedicated mod_fcgid
backend that runs your PHP (and cache, etc)
    You can now control the exact resource ratio between static and dynamic
content, and tune it to your requirements, or so your overall resources
don't get clobbered.
3. either use the same box(es) to run the fcgid PHP backend, or delegate
this task to separate backends, i.e. reallocate 3 of the boxes to run
workerproxies + static content, and use the other 3 to run only dynamic

There's more than one way to skin the cat.

Do you mean a reverse proxy to go before the webservers?

A URL of sorts?


Thanks for your replies so far..







Rob Morin

Systems Administrator

Infinity Labs Inc.

(514) 387-0638 Ext: 207




From: Jeroen Geilman [] 
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2011 3:10 PM
Subject: Re: [users@httpd] General question - Apache server-status page


On 06/13/2011 09:01 PM, Rob Morin wrote: 

My problem is as it stands, the loads are too high already, at peek times
our Dual Quad Core Xeons with 18 gigs of ram go as high as 100.00 and this
is with a max clients of 600. We do use memcache and eaccelerator.


I mean I should have been more clear. I do know what the W and C are I was
just wondering why there would only W and Cs.. sorry for the confusion


When the server is at a load of 100 we still have 2 to 3 gigs of ram to
spare and there is never any swapping.


I just do not think that the problem is server capacity, it seems to be
something else I think, but not sure what?


In a top I see every couple of mins on all servers this.

22498 apache    15   0     0    0    0 Z  0.3  0.0   0:45.98 httpd <defunct>

So you're running bad scripts.

Consider proxying dynamic requests to a dedicated backend (which can run on
the same machine).

This offers much better control over resources, and will host 3 times the
requests easily.


Right now all our server are at .


top - 14:58:31 up 7 days,  3:49,  3 users,  load average: 138.71, 121.10,

Tasks: 759 total,   1 running, 757 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie

Cpu(s): 13.2%us,  2.5%sy,  0.0%ni, 82.9%id,  0.0%wa,  0.1%hi,  1.3%si,

Mem:  18470312k total, 12042288k used,  6428024k free,   580252k buffers

Swap:  2096472k total,        0k used,  2096472k free,  8233784k cached



Current Time: Monday, 13-Jun-2011 15:00:26 EDT

Restart Time: Monday, 13-Jun-2011 12:54:23 EDT

Parent Server Generation: 0

Server uptime: 2 hours 6 minutes 3 seconds

Total accesses: 1062620 - Total Traffic: 197.1 MB

CPU Usage: u2966.14 s1473.45 cu0 cs0 - 58.7% CPU load

141 requests/sec - 26.7 kB/second - 194 B/request

378 requests currently being processed, 201 idle workers














I am sad..



Rob Morin

Systems Administrator

Infinity Labs Inc.

(514) 387-0638 Ext: 207




From: Issac Goldstand [] 
Sent: Monday, June 13, 2011 2:36 PM
Subject: Re: [users@httpd] General question - Apache server-status page


That your server(s) is/are swamped.

Consider adding more worker threads/processes.


On 13/06/2011 21:23, Rob Morin wrote: 

If I see all the slots filled with W and C only, what would that indicate,
this is during high traffic times..


We are on Centos 64 bit with Apache 2.2,  and have 6 webservers behind






Rob Morin

Systems Administrator

Infinity Labs Inc.

(514) 387-0638 Ext: 207







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