----- Original Message -----
> Thanks for the info I will look in to it with our Hosting provider..
> and see what we can do… sound s a bit complicated, but maybe worth
> it in the end…

Of course you can always throw more hardware at it..

The question is if it doesn't come cheaper to invest a little time.
I'd also look into
as an alternative to a special instance with mod_fcgid.

> Thanks again…


> Rob Morin
> Systems Administrator
> Infinity Labs Inc.
> (514) 387-0638 Ext: 207
> ilabs-email-sig
> From: Jeroen Geilman [mailto:jer...@adaptr.nl]
> Sent: Monday, June 13, 2011 3:33 PM
> To: users@httpd.apache.org
> Subject: Re: [users@httpd] General question - Apache server-status
> page
> On 06/13/2011 09:23 PM, Rob Morin wrote:
> Can you please point me in some direction when you say “ Consider
> proxying dynamic requests to a dedicated backend (which can run on
> the same machine).”
> 1. set up apache to run the worker MPM; this has a much smaller
> memory footprint, and can start threads much faster than prefork
> can.
> Much, much faster.
> Scale these "middle-ends" to handle 2000+ threads simultaenously;
> this needs only a few gigs.
> 2. proxy all dynamic content - however identified - to a dedicated
> mod_fcgid backend that runs your PHP (and cache, etc)
> You can now control the exact resource ratio between static and
> dynamic content, and tune it to your requirements, or so your
> overall resources don't get clobbered.
> 3. either use the same box(es) to run the fcgid PHP backend, or
> delegate this task to separate backends, i.e. reallocate 3 of the
> boxes to run workerproxies + static content, and use the other 3 to
> run only dynamic content.
> There's more than one way to skin the cat.
> Do you mean a reverse proxy to go before the webservers?
> A URL of sorts?
> Thanks for your replies so far..
> J
> Rob Morin
> Systems Administrator
> Infinity Labs Inc.
> (514) 387-0638 Ext: 207
> ilabs-email-sig
> From: Jeroen Geilman [ mailto:jer...@adaptr.nl ]
> Sent: Monday, June 13, 2011 3:10 PM
> To: users@httpd.apache.org
> Subject: Re: [users@httpd] General question - Apache server-status
> page
> On 06/13/2011 09:01 PM, Rob Morin wrote:
> My problem is as it stands, the loads are too high already, at peek
> times our Dual Quad Core Xeons with 18 gigs of ram go as high as
> 100.00 and this is with a max clients of 600. We do use memcache and
> eaccelerator…
> I mean I should have been more clear… I do know what the W and C are
> I was just wondering why there would only W and Cs.. sorry for the
> confusion there…
> When the server is at a load of 100 we still have 2 to 3 gigs of ram
> to spare and there is never any swapping…
> I just do not think that the problem is server capacity, it seems to
> be something else I think, but not sure what?
> In a top I see every couple of mins on all servers this…
> 22498 apache 15 0 0 0 0 Z 0.3 0.0 0:45.98 httpd <defunct>
> So you're running bad scripts.
> Consider proxying dynamic requests to a dedicated backend (which can
> run on the same machine).
> This offers much better control over resources, and will host 3 times
> the requests easily.
> Right now all our server are at …
> top - 14:58:31 up 7 days, 3:49, 3 users, load average: 138.71,
> 121.10, 85.80
> Tasks: 759 total, 1 running, 757 sleeping, 0 stopped, 1 zombie
> Cpu(s): 13.2%us, 2.5%sy, 0.0%ni, 82.9%id, 0.0%wa, 0.1%hi, 1.3%si,
> 0.0%st
> Mem: 18470312k total, 12042288k used, 6428024k free, 580252k buffers
> Swap: 2096472k total, 0k used, 2096472k free, 8233784k cached
> Current Time: Monday, 13-Jun-2011 15:00:26 EDT
> Restart Time: Monday, 13-Jun-2011 12:54:23 EDT
> Parent Server Generation: 0
> Server uptime: 2 hours 6 minutes 3 seconds
> Total accesses: 1062620 - Total Traffic: 197.1 MB
> CPU Usage: u2966.14 s1473.45 cu0 cs0 - 58.7% CPU load
> 141 requests/sec - 26.7 kB/second - 194 B/request
> 378 requests currently being processed, 201 idle workers
> I am sad….
> Rob Morin
> Systems Administrator
> Infinity Labs Inc.
> (514) 387-0638 Ext: 207
> ilabs-email-sig
> From: Issac Goldstand [ mailto:mar...@beamartyr.net ]
> Sent: Monday, June 13, 2011 2:36 PM
> To: users@httpd.apache.org
> Subject: Re: [users@httpd] General question - Apache server-status
> page
> That your server(s) is/are swamped.
> Consider adding more worker threads/processes.
> Issac
> On 13/06/2011 21:23, Rob Morin wrote:
> If I see all the slots filled with W and C only, what would that
> indicate, this is during high traffic times..
> We are on Centos 64 bit with Apache 2.2, and have 6 webservers behind
> HAproxy
> Thanks..
> Rob Morin
> Systems Administrator
> Infinity Labs Inc.
> (514) 387-0638 Ext: 207
> ilabs-email-sig
> -- J.
> -- J.

Igor Galić

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