On Nov 18, 2011 7:45 PM, "Nico Nieuwoudt" <> wrote:

> Hi
> In httpd.conf I would like to add a redirect rule to mobi site for
> x-wap-profile http header, similar as for user agent, example:
> RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "iemobile" [NC,OR]
> RewriteCond %{HTTP_USER_AGENT} "webOS" [NC]
> RewriteRule ^/$ [R,L]
> Questions:
> 1) I have no idea how to add this rule or what the syntax should be like,
> even the reg-ex expression?
>  What I would like to achive is to redirect to mobi site if x-wap-profile
> header contains a xml file.
>  I've tried these, but no success
> RewriteCond %{HTTP_X_WAP_PROFILE} ^.*xml [NC,OR]
>  RewriteCond %{x-wap-profile} ^.*xml [NC,OR]
> 2) How can I manage to print the x-wap-profile header value in cosole?
> Can someone please guide me with the above 2 questions?
> Thanks
> N

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