Hi Wade,

The httpd server is v2.2 and JBoss is 4.5. I am enclosing a copy of the
workers.properties. There are 2 nodes in the cluster. I am enclosing copies
of httpd.conf and workers.properties.

Some additional information that I just debugged into  - looks like the
rendering is being sent to node 2 (instead of sending to node1). The
following is the image url -,
and every time I access this url from browser, the rendering flip flops i.e
it renders on first run, does not on second, then again renders on third,
which leads me to believe that this could be switching between 2 different
servers. Again this is just my guess, might be wrong.


On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 11:49 AM, Wade Evans <wade.p.ev...@gmail.com> wrote:

> RJ,
> > What am I doing wrong in the configuration?
> Can you share with us a bit of your configuration?
> Thanks
>  - Wade
> On Thu, Dec 8, 2011 at 11:16 AM, R J <rjoshi.subscripti...@gmail.com>wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I am new to httpd. I am using httpd and mod_jk for load balancing. I am
>> running it under sticky bit configuration. I have a page that renders image
>> and data. The http response to the image request returns HTTP code 200,
>> however the data is 0 bytes. Instead when I directly connect to any of the
>> servers, the image renders correctly. What am I doing wrong in the
>> configuration?
>> The application that I am trying to load balance is a BIRT reporting
>> engine (v 2.6).
>> Appreciate any help or pointers.
>> Thank you.
>> RJ

Attachment: httpd.conf
Description: Binary data

Attachment: workers.properties
Description: Binary data

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