Sheryl wrote:
J. Lance Wilkinson wrote:

I have had some locally build PHP scripts that run a very long time (doing database lookups and so forth) before outputting the desired content. These would time out like that.

Of course, a user would sit around waiting for a result and give up as well. So I resolved both of these by putting a progress bar out in the output to start with:


Thanks.  Interesting.  Unfortunately it's a socket call that is hanging and
never coming back.  Since the call goes out into space and never completes
there's no way for us to implement a progress bar.

        A socket call IN THE PHP code?   Then you can protect your session
        w/ Apache w/ flush() calls like I was suggesting, and the timeouts
        between the PHP code and your authentication server should be
        adjustable and the timeout events trapable in the PHP code, based on
        consulting the PHP "manuals" at

        If the PHP code is accessible/maintainable by you and yours, that is.

The whole thing has to do with socket connections to an authentication
server.  pass/fail works ok but users' accounts can get into states the code
doesn't handle.  The users do get impatient, as you say, and hit reload over
and over and hit the max number of http connections periodically.

The developers say they can't fix the code and are taking the "apache is
broken or it would solve this for us" tack.  That's why I'm trying to find
out more how the apache timeouts work.

1. If "the developers" are saying they can't fix THEIR PHP code, I'd find new
        developers.  I've never had any formal training in PHP, but I've yet
        to find something I wanted/needed to do using PHP that I wasn't able
        to accomplish.

2. If "the developers" are saying they can't fix somebody else's PHP code due
        to lack of understanding of PHP, see (1).

3. If "the developers" are saying they can't fix somebody else's PHP code due
        to some contractual issue or something with a 3rd-party provider of
        the PHP code, none of this is going to help.  I'd be looking for
        another 3rd party in that case.

IT's not clear where APACHE falls in all this. If the socket call is not in the PHP code, but rather in a MODULE loaded dynamically or otherwise into Apache, please cite the MODULE that the developers are using to do this. Apache in and of itself, as I understand things (and no, I'm not a committer or anything more than a user who's used Apache HTTPD in some for or another on 4 different OS's [OpenVMS, Windows, Solaris and Linux]for the past 7 or 8 years), would not be doing any socket calls on behalf of any authentication system. That kind of thing is only done from within the PHP user's PHP code, or external to the PHP code in an Apache MODULE, which is NOT the same as Apache HTTPD.

J.Lance Wilkinson ("Lance")           InterNet:
Systems Design Specialist - Lead        Phone: (814) 865-4870
Digital Library Technologies            FAX:   (814) 863-3560
E3 Paterno Library
Penn State University
University Park, PA 16802

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