Nick Kew wrote:

On Fri, 09 Dec 2011 14:36:02 -0500 (EST)
"Sheryl " <> wrote:

> The developers say they can't fix the code and are taking the "apache is 
> broken or it would solve this for us" tack.  That's why I'm trying to find 
> out more how the apache timeouts work.

> Apache timeouts don't affect connections made from PHP.  That's the
> business of PHP, or the scripts concerned and their configuration.

Thanks.  What I wanted was a sanity check.  

> If you run PHP as CGI you could set a timeout after which to give
> up waiting and return an error to the client.  man ulimit!

We don't run PHP as CGI.  I've been working with various *NIX since 1988 
and did think to review the ulimit page before I posted because I considered
trying it apache itself (briefly).  Ulimit is fine if you have a process 
chewing CPU or grabbing memory.  Fortunately or not, that isn't the case here.  
The timeout I need is on wall clock time, not CPU cycles.  AFAICT from the
man page ulimit doesn't have that option.


Nick Kew

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