I'm an IIS admin and new to the list. I've done the best I can with 
mod_ssl documentation, google, etc, and can't find anyone else who's even 
experienced my problem, much less found a solution. That, of course, makes 
me wonder whether I'm even understanding it correctly, but I see it plain 
as day in my WireShark traces. 

I've got a race condition with a slow IIS server. The IIS server 
successfully TLS connects to my Apache server, and sends an encrypted 
request. The Apache server responds successfully, and the IIS server is 
usually happy and done. 5 seconds later, a TLS Rec Layer-1 Encrypted Alert 
is transmitted by the Apache server and the TLS conversation is 
terminated. Every now and again, though, the negotiation is complicated by 
the IIS server when it submits a second or third encrypted request through 
the existing, open TLS channel. 999 times in 1000 all these negotiations 
are flawless. 

1 time in 1000 the slow IIS server takes exactly 5 seconds to decide to 
send an additional encrypted request (TLS Application Data). When this 
happens, the encrypted request crosses the TLS Rec Layer-1 Encrypted Alert 
on the wire, resulting in "The underlying connection was closed: The 
connection was closed unexpectedly." 

I don't see any directive in mod_ssl that allows me to extend that 5 
second conversation timeout. What am I overlooking? I'm able to modify the 
SSLSessionCacheTimeout directive, but that has no impact on the 5 second 
timeout around any particular conversation. 

Has anyone else seen this kind of behavior?

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