Eric Covener <> wrote on 02/17/2012 03:04:29 PM:

> On Fri, Feb 17, 2012 at 3:02 PM,  <> wrote:
> > 5 seconds later, a TLS Rec Layer-1 Encrypted Alert
> Is your base Apache KeepaliveTimeout 5 seconds and this alert is just
> a close_notify?
We've not explicitly defined any of the keepalive settings, so they should 
default to 15 seconds, not 5, right? 

I see where I might be able to force accurate ssl shutdowns, which may 
help. If the channel is left open until .NET explicitly acks its closure, 
this could end my issue. This assumes .NET would follow the shutdown 
handshake protocols, but it might be worth a try. 

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