Hi Apache Users,
The place where I work is embarking on a project to migrate custom apache 
builds to the RHEL6 build. Obviously that brings certain limitations (not being 
able to use the snazzy new Apache 2.4 version for example!!) I was curious 
whether anyone else had gone down this route, and what their experiences were 
like, and whether they were pleased with the end result. There are pros and 
cons to both approaches so I'm not really trying to argue one is better than 
the other.
One of the advantages of migrating to a RHEL6 build is having redhat support 
when vulnerabilities come out, at least from a large enterprise's point of 
view, where there may be in the region of 2000 or more supported apache 
servers. It means you have a ready tested and vendor approved rpm build which 
can be  quickly deployed through the yum channels saving time, costs, and give 
comfort of mind.
Certainly keeping everyone on the same Apache build/version, especially if it's 
provided by the vendor OS, makes life easier for the guys in support. One 
drawback might be having to patch/upgrade all Apache dependencies, eg libssl, 
on a host which might not suit other applications if they are sharing the host. 
Perhaps this means dedicating your RHEL6 hosts as web servers and nothing else. 
I suspect most large sized companies will not be so well architected, in which 
case perhaps support could have introduced a new problem/cost.
Those are two of the points I have been considering, but I'm really interested 
to hear other people's experiences or views.
On a final note, I do have just one technical question as well. Is there a tool 
which symlinks all apache libaries/scripts (or any kind of linux distro 
software) into one prefixed location? I'm sure I have seen something like that 
in the past but can't remember what it was.
Thanks for any replies.


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