On 3/7/2012 4:47 PM, Brian Lauber wrote:
> Howdy.
> We have a REST service that we are attempting to load balance via 
> mod_proxy_balancer.  Unfortunately, we have been unable to figure out how to 
> maintain the session stickiness across REST service calls.  In particular, 
> our REST service does not make use of cookies or URL query parameters, which 
> are the traditional means for communicating session-related information.
> Ideally, we would like to maintain the session stickiness based upon the 
> client's IP address; however, we're open to other suggestions as well 
> (including using a different load balancing plugin).  Our main goal is to 
> figure out how to load balance the REST service in a manner that will be 
> transparent to the existing REST clients.
> Any suggestions would be appreciated.  Thanks in advance!
>      -=- Brian

   Here is a simple snippet that will use mod_headers as well as
mod_proxy_balancer to implement a cookie-based solution. In my
experiences, this works across many different types of clients (so long
as they accept cookies) and all types of backend services.

LoadModule headers_module modules/mod_headers.so
<Proxy balancer://DanielCluster>
   BalancerMember route=mercury
   BalancerMember route=venus
   ProxySet stickysession=DanielsApp_STICKY
Header add Set-Cookie

ProxyPass /daniel/ balancer://DanielCluster/daniel/

For reference (and other proxy examples), I pulled this straight from a
presentation I gave at ACNA2010 here:

Daniel Ruggeri

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