Hi Nick, 

 first an update:

 - The problem, that I couldn't stop the httpd was caused by the init script. 
It was the original Apache init file,
 which searched for the pid file in /var/log/httpd/. I moved in my spec file to 
/var/run to make it fit to the terms
 of CentOS.

 - The kill -9 was nescessary, due to an configuration error of mine in 
httpd.conf. I put the User and Group directives
 into an <IfModule unixd_module.c>. This caused mod_fcgid to crash and restart 
with the following message:

 [:error] [pid 26757] mod_fcgid: fcgid process manager died, restarting the 

 [unixd:alert] [pid 27801] AH02155: getpwuid: couldn't determine user name from 
uid -1, you probably need to modify the User directive
 [core:warn] [pid 26757] AH00045: child process 27801 still did not exit, 
sending a SIGTERM
 When I tried to kill a process with a SIGTERM it was already killed and a new 
process was started. Somehow a kill -9 worked, maybe because
 that won't wait for a process to quit. 

 - When mod_unixd is loaded before mod_fcgid everything seems to work fine. So 
I don't think that an bugzilla report is nescessary.
 Though I think it might be a great advantage, if such dependencies would be 
resolved internaly by the Apache.

 (e.g.: I've changed the layout of the configuration directory to something 
quite simmilar to Debian with .load and .conf files
 in a mods-available directory. Symlinks to them in a mods-enabled directory 
are then included into the httpd.conf file. As the order
 of how modules are loaded is then defined by an alphabetical order such 
problems like mine could easily occour.)

 I guess some of your questions are answered now. httpd-tools is an typical RPM 
of CentOS and Red Hat, it contains for example the programms ab, htdbm, 
htdigest, htpasswd, etc. The packeges I talked of are RPMs I build from 
slightly modified CentOS spec files. 

 I guess, we could mark this topic as solved, and I'm sorry for the alarm I 
might have caused.

 Thanks a lot to all who tried to help! I'm really delighted, how friendly and 
with how much interest my question was handled!


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