Can someone help me understand why am I unable to get the cached files
on the unix box. 

Using the configurations as mentioned below which I am using on the
windows xp and getting the files cached in the mentioned

directory (diskcachedir). But on unix I am unable to get the files
cached in the folder diskcachedir.


Checked the permission on the folder and it is rwxr-xr-x.


We have rebuild the apache 2.2.17 and configured the modules mod_cache
and mod_disk_cache.


Why is that the fies are not being cached on the disk ?


There is no problems in virtual hosting as I could see the pages from
the weblogic correctly.


Configurations used :


LoadModule cache_module modules/mod_cache.so

LoadModule disk_cache_module  modules/mod_disk_cache.so

LoadModule weblogic_module  modules/mod_wl_22.so



<VirtualHost 111.222.333.444:8080>


<IfModule mod_weblogic.c>


       <IfModule cache_module>


              <IfModule disk_cache_module>


#Disable caching for the .js files.

#SetEnvIf Request_URI "\.js$" no-cache


# Root directory on the disk for caching.

CacheRoot /usr/local/apache2.2/diskcachedir/


# Store for one hour

CacheMaxExpire 3600


# Enable caching for all static files in the request


                            CacheEnable disk /xxx/yyyyy/*


                            CacheDirLevels 1

                            CacheDirLength 2














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