You need to load mod_proxy_ftp for this. Read the module documentation on
the apache web site.
 On Apr 28, 2012 4:05 AM, "Andy Carlson" <> wrote:

> I currently have an apache reverse proxy server that I am using in front
> of a number of web servers that are setup as VirtualHost’s on the proxy.  I
> want to setup an FTP proxy (using different VirtualHost definitions, if
> necessary) to proxy FTP traffic to the internal servers in the same manner
> as the HTTP VirtualHosts.  I have not had any success doing this.  Here’s a
> sample of what I did:****
> ** **
> <VirtualHost OUTSIDE-HOST-IP:21>****
>   ServerName OUTSIDE-HOST****
>   ProxyPass / ftp:// INTERNAL-HOST/****
>   ProxyPassReverse / ftp:// INTERNAL-HOST/****
> </VirtualHost>****
> ** **
> Again, it is my hope to implement this configuration with multiple
> internal hosts.****
> ** **
> Also, I’m not sure if it’s necessary but I had tried putting “Listen 21”
> directive at the beginning of httpd.conf (next to the Listen 80).****
> ** **
> Please let me know if this is possible or if I am doing something wrong.
> Thanks much!!!****
> ** **
> *Andy Carlson*
> *Moody Bible Institute*
> *Identity Administrator | **Information Systems**
> *312-329-4385****
> ** **

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