My browser tells me that "It Works!"  but it took a couple days of banging my 
head against the wall. I encountered the following rough spots and eventually 
stumbled over their solutions as noted:

1)      No libpcre
This is a pre-requisite for httpd, I did not have it.  I downloaded version 
8.30 from<>. The configure script ran OK, but 
the make failed with errors about libgcc missing, even though 'rpm -aq' 
indicated it was present.  It was necessary to remove all the gcc, g++, and 
libstdc packages via  'rpm -e', and then install them again in the following 


These packages are all downloadable at:

My 'rpm -aq' listing now includes:


But I did NOT install any separate gcc-4.2.0-3 RPM, I think it just came along 
with the gcc-c++ package. Originally I had installed a separate gcc package, 
and I think that messed up the interface with libgcc.

2)  Apache 'make install' fails with "install: File was not 

This issue is discussed at length on the mailing list archives at:

 but I did not see a resolution for it. Recommendations for work-arounds 
included compiling and installing the apache "apr" sopftware as a separate 
package, using an explicitly declared destination directory when running "make 
install", and some other suggestions that I did not understand. None of them 
worked for me.

Instead, what make the install work for me was a suggestion from the README in 
the build/aix subdirectory. The scripts there are supposed to build an AIX 
installp package for apache. I didn't try it, but they said that libtool did 
not work well with the AIX 'install' program, and to use the GNU one instead. I 
already had the GNU coreutils installed (also available from the above IBM 
site), so I set the PATH so that 'which install' returned 

After this, 'make install' ran just fine, and httpd runs for me and serves out 
the test page. I had already separated out the 'apr' stuff and installed it in 
/usr/local/apr and compiled apache separately, but out of curiosity I started 
over again, unpacking both httpd and httpd-deps into the same directory and 
running 'configure' with the "-with-included-apr" option, and that installed 
and runs just fine, too!


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