Dear Apache2 community,

with an important bug fix in "mod_proxy_ajp" of Apache 2.2.22 (see, a problem marking an 
AJP-worker (used for communication between Apache and Tomcat) in error state 
when a single long running request occurred, should have gone.

Important: the documentation and change log tells nothing about the condition 
and pre-requisites that have to be setup, to allow that bug fix to work. Is it 
right, that within a "BalancerMember" configuration directive, the "ping" value 
for cping/cping communication (details can be found here: should be 
set to a value different compared to the default value (=0)?

This conclusion might be right, when taking a look on the commit comment and 
the implementation of the bug fix in Apache 2.2.22 
/* If we had a successful cping/cpong and then a timeout
+         * we assume it is a request that cause a back-end timeout,
+         * but doesn't affect the whole worker.
+         */
+        if (APR_STATUS_IS_TIMEUP(status) && conn->worker->ping_timeout_set)
+            return HTTP_GATEWAY_TIME_OUT;
+        }

Do you agree?

Our experience is: when having not specified a "ping" configuration property in 
a BalancerMember directive like:
BalancerMember ajp:// loadfactor=100 retry=10 
route=rb-wcmstc1 connectiontimeout=5 timeout=30

the bug fix does not work and Apache 2.2.22 will set the Tomcat AJP worker in 
ERROR state when a requests takes longer than the configured timeouts, e.g. the 
reply took longer than 30 seconds here.

My question is:
- is this ping property a must have to let this bug fix work properly?
- which conditions lead to an ERROR-state switch?

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards,
Holger King

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