
I am using httpd with mod_gnutls and I am using multiple certificates for
different domain with a single IP. Thatfor I created a configuration like
NameVirtualHost ⟨IP⟩:443
<VirtualHost ⟨IP⟩:443>
ServerName ⟨domain1⟩:443
GnuTLSEnable on
GnuTLSCertificateFile /cert/⟨domain1⟩.crt
GnuTLSKeyFile /cert/⟨domain1⟩.key
GnuTLSPriorities NORMAL

[further settings for the domain]

[same for other domains]

This configuration worked for a long time. But since a recent update it does
not work any longer (I am using Debian testing, apache2 2.2.22-9, libapache2-
mod-gnutls 0.5.10-1.1). SSL is still working, but now it does always use the
first certificate mentioned in the configuration file, regardless of the
domain I am trying to access. Thus for every domain which is not the first one
in the file the certificate is wrong. Any idea what I could try to do?


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