I have written an Apache Module that performs an internal redirect
(ap_internal_redirect) based on certain conditions. Then mod_proxy
handles proxying the request to a backend server. I'm using the
ap_hook_post_read_request hook with APR_HOOK_MIDDLE. I would like to
restrict this handler to a single virtual host but currently it is
invoked on all virtual host requests (there are many). The httpd.conf
configuration is limited to theLoadModule directive. I've tried using
SetHandler handlername in the vhost and SetHandler None in the main
config but the handler is still invoked on requests to other vhosts.
The module also registers the ap_register_output_filter hook but the
output filter does not perform any action other than removing itself
and passing control onwards. I've been reading through The Apache
Modules Book, which has been very helpful but I can't seem to find
much information on how to solve this particular issue.



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