On 7/6/2012 2:44 PM, Andrew wrote:
> I have written an Apache Module that performs an internal redirect
> (ap_internal_redirect) based on certain conditions. Then mod_proxy
> handles proxying the request to a backend server. I'm using the
> ap_hook_post_read_request hook with APR_HOOK_MIDDLE. I would like to
> restrict this handler to a single virtual host but currently it is
> invoked on all virtual host requests (there are many). The httpd.conf
> configuration is limited to theLoadModule directive. I've tried using
> SetHandler handlername in the vhost and SetHandler None in the main
> config but the handler is still invoked on requests to other vhosts.
> The module also registers the ap_register_output_filter hook but the
> output filter does not perform any action other than removing itself
> and passing control onwards. I've been reading through The Apache
> Modules Book, which has been very helpful but I can't seem to find
> much information on how to solve this particular issue.
> Thanks,
> Andrew

   I don't have an answer for your question top-of-mind, but you may
have better luck asking this question on the modules-dev mailing list:

Daniel Ruggeri

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