On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 2:51 PM, Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com> wrote:

> because these settings are stored in shared memory, post config,
> and changes made won't persist a restart or reboot since Apache
> goes back the honoring the httpd.conf file settings.
> If you need the updates to persist, you'll need to tell
> mod_proxy to write out the shared memory data to a file, which
> is then read and honored during the restart.
Ok - is that something I can do via configuration, or would this involve
modifying the mod_proxy code?

What is meant by the "balancer settings can be persistent after restart"
enhancement that was added in 2.3/2.4?

> > Additional question:
> >
> > I have the timeout set to 5 seconds; if the back-end service takes
> longer than 5 seconds to finish, the proxy does abandon the request as
> expected, and I get an error in the browser.  Is there any way to have the
> proxy, when the back-end times out, retry the request against another one
> of the nodes?
> If the back-end has started a reply, then there's no way to
> retry against someone else. Is the timeout due to the backend
> being slow or because it's down?

I figured that might be the case; in this situation, the timeout is due to
the backend being slow.  In particular, when I start up this tomcat server,
it starts accepting connections quite quickly, but it may be 30-40 seconds
before the app is fully loaded. It'd be great if the proxy could recognize
that it's not really ready yet and put the node into the error state.

Thanks --

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