Hi there,


I have Apache2.2 installed on Debian.

It works as a HTTPS Proxy to a Jenkins Server (on Tomcat).


When I run Jenkins a view minutes with auto refresh on, my
/var/log/apache2/other_vhosts_access.log gets really big with many static
requests, which are repeated all 15? seconds.


All I find on the internet is how to set custom logfiles for apache.


How can I limit the log-output - I don't need to see all these requests. I
want to see unique requests.


<mysever>:443 <mysever> - - [24/Sep/2012:03:07:25 +0200] "GET /jenkins/
HTTP/1.1" 200 6107 "-" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1;
WOW64; Trident/5.0)"

<mysever>:443 <mysever> - - [24/Sep/2012:03:07:27 +0200] "GET
/jenkins/static/7887a7e2/css/style.css HTTP/1.1" 200 6106 "https://
<https://%3cmysever%3e/jenkins/> <mysever>/jenkins/" "Mozilla/5.0
(compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)"

<mysever>:443 <mysever> - - [24/Sep/2012:03:07:27 +0200] "GET
/jenkins/static/7887a7e2/scripts/yui/event/event-min.js HTTP/1.1" 200 5530
"https:// <https://%3cmysever%3e/jenkins/> <mysever>/jenkins/" "Mozilla/5.0
(compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)"

<mysever>:443 <mysever> - - [24/Sep/2012:03:07:27 +0200] "GET
/jenkins/static/7887a7e2/scripts/behavior.js HTTP/1.1" 200 2891 "https://
<https://%3cmysever%3e/jenkins/> <mysever>/jenkins/" "Mozilla/5.0
(compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)"

<mysever>:443 <mysever> - - [24/Sep/2012:03:07:27 +0200] "GET
/jenkins/static/7887a7e2/scripts/yui/animation/animation-min.js HTTP/1.1"
200 5274 "https:// <https://%3cmysever%3e/jenkins/> <mysever>/jenkins/"
"Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)"

<mysever>:443 <mysever> - - [24/Sep/2012:03:07:27 +0200] "GET
/jenkins/static/7887a7e2/css/color.css HTTP/1.1" 200 1291 "https://
<https://%3cmysever%3e/jenkins/> <mysever>/jenkins/" "Mozilla/5.0
(compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)"

<mysever>:443 <mysever> - - [24/Sep/2012:03:07:27 +0200] "GET
/jenkins/static/7887a7e2/scripts/yui/dom/dom-min.js HTTP/1.1" 200 6267
"https:// <https://%3cmysever%3e/jenkins/> <mysever>/jenkins/" "Mozilla/5.0
(compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)"

<mysever>:443 <mysever> - - [24/Sep/2012:03:07:27 +0200] "GET
/jenkins/static/7887a7e2/scripts/yui/connection/connection-min.js HTTP/1.1"
200 4826 "https:// <https://%3cmysever%3e/jenkins/> <mysever>/jenkins/"
"Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)"

<mysever>:443 <mysever> - - [24/Sep/2012:03:07:27 +0200] "GET
/jenkins/static/7887a7e2/scripts/yui/yahoo/yahoo-min.js HTTP/1.1" 200 3402
"https:// <https://%3cmysever%3e/jenkins/> <mysever>/jenkins/" "Mozilla/5.0
(compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)"

<mysever>:443 <mysever> - - [24/Sep/2012:03:07:27 +0200] "GET
/jenkins/static/7887a7e2/scripts/yui/container/container-min.js HTTP/1.1"
200 20979 "https:// <https://%3cmysever%3e/jenkins/> <mysever>/jenkins/"
"Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)"

<mysever>:443 <mysever> - - [24/Sep/2012:03:07:27 +0200] "GET
/jenkins/static/7887a7e2/scripts/yui/dragdrop/dragdrop-min.js HTTP/1.1" 200
7370 "https:// <https://%3cmysever%3e/jenkins/> <mysever>/jenkins/"
"Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)"

<mysever>:443 <mysever> - - [24/Sep/2012:03:07:27 +0200] "GET
HTTP/1.1" 200 7642 "https:// <https://%3cmysever%3e/jenkins/>
<mysever>/jenkins/" "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1;
WOW64; Trident/5.0)"

<mysever>:443 <mysever> - - [24/Sep/2012:03:07:27 +0200] "GET
/jenkins/static/7887a7e2/scripts/yui/element/element-min.js HTTP/1.1" 200
3082 "https:// <https://%3cmysever%3e/jenkins/> <mysever>/jenkins/"
"Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)"

<mysever>:443 <mysever> - - [24/Sep/2012:03:07:27 +0200] "GET
/jenkins/static/7887a7e2/scripts/yui/datasource/datasource-min.js HTTP/1.1"
200 8840 "https:// <https://%3cmysever%3e/jenkins/> <mysever>/jenkins/"
"Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)"

<mysever>:443 <mysever> - - [24/Sep/2012:03:07:27 +0200] "GET
/jenkins/static/7887a7e2/scripts/prototype.js HTTP/1.1" 200 39806 "https://
<https://%3cmysever%3e/jenkins/> <mysever>/jenkins/" "Mozilla/5.0
(compatible; MSIE 9.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/5.0)"


If you tell me the config, please tell me where to place it. Most of the
time I find myself with config-snippets, but no location to put them in
(about 70% of found help-resources don't provide this information or I can't
see it)







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