----- Original Message -----
> Hi Friends,
> I have the below Reverse Proxy setup. I am also doing caching for a
> few folders which serve static content.
> It is working fine for HTTP URLs.
> I have to now enable this proxy approach for HTTPS on both URLs. I
> will now have https://mysite.com and https://mysite.intranet.com.
> Is there any guide available which can help with the steps required?
> Will the below configuration need changes for HTTPS proxy or HTTPS
> caching?

No. Caching for HTTP is no different from caching for HTTPS, when
httpd does the termination.

Here's some general notes, though:

> ########################################################################################
> <VirtualHost>
>     ServerName mysite.com
>       ProxyPass / http://mysite.intranet. com/
>       ProxyPassReverse / http://mysite.intranet. com/
>       ProxyPassReverse / http://mysite.intranet. com:80/

That doesn't work, you only can have one reverse path.
http:// implies :80

>       <IfModule mod_cache.c>
>               CacheDefaultExpire 3600

3600 *is* the default, and pretty low, too. Consider setting it
to something sane like a month.

>               #Cache static file paths
>               CacheEnable disk /css/
>               CacheEnable disk /javascript/
>               CacheRoot "E:/cache/"
>               CacheDirLevels 2
>               CacheDirLength 1
>               CacheMaxFileSize 1000000
>               CacheMinFileSize 1
>               CacheIgnoreCacheControl On
>               CacheIgnoreNoLastMod On
>               CacheIgnoreQueryString Off
>               CacheIgnoreHeaders None
>               CacheLastModifiedFactor 0.1
>               CacheDefaultExpire 3600

Why are you setting this again?!

>               CacheMaxExpire 86400
>               CacheStoreNoStore On
>               CacheStorePrivate On
>       </IfModule>
> ##########################################################################################
> ______________________________
> Sudip Kumar Bhattacharya
> This e-mail (and any attachments), is confidential and may be

No, no it's not. You posted it to a publicly archived mailing list.

So long,


Igor Galić

Tel: +43 (0) 664 886 22 883
Mail: i.ga...@brainsware.org
URL: http://brainsware.org/
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