Hi folks, 

I just migrated from mod_php to mod_fcgid on apache 2.2.23 and now I have a 
problem on all .htaccess files who contains apache2 configuration like Options, 
Adhandler etc.. 
If the .htaccess is use to set different apache2 option, the process crash. No 
error log, nothing at all. 
Exemple here: http://dev.b2s-immo.com/ 

Content of .htaccess 

Options FollowSymLinks 
Now, if I put 

Options +FollowSymLinks 
It's working.. 

Same thing for all Options (FollowSymLinks, Indexes etc..) 

I was thinking that it was possible to specify "Options FollowSymLinks", 
without + . 
Why by default it is not a + if there is nothing? 

Thanks for your help regarding this misunderstanding. 

Server Version: Apache/2.2.23 

Vhost Config 
<Directory /xxx> 
Options ExecCGI -Indexes Includes FollowSymLinks MultiViews 


Benoît Georgelin 
Web 4 all Hébergeur associatif 

Afin de contribuer au respect de l'environnement, merci de n'imprimer ce mail 
qu'en cas de nécessité 

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