Hi, and thanks for your reply

Server version: Apache/2.2.3
Server built:   Jan  5 2012 13:05:41

And yes, I have put in the NameVirtualHost as below:

NameVirtualHost *:80

I have tried many different permutations of settings but never seem to get the 
expected result, it will either always go to the new VirtualHost I add, and 
never to epages, or it will always go to epages. 

The only promising bit I have had, is an epages setting for ExceptionHost. If I 
leave all the configurations as they were (without adding in the VirtualHost 
section), and then add another.url.com into the epages exceptions, then going 
to this URL bypasses epages and comes up with the standard Apache holding page, 
so I drop a html file into the web root, and lo and behold, I can navigate to 
it by using the another.url.com which I have added to the exceptions. But this 
doesnt really help me, at best I can get one host to bypass epages into the 
webroot, but it doesnt seem to be the right way to do it, and doesnt let me 
have more than one site.

Thanks again, any suggestions would be appreciated.

 From: linuxsupport <lin.supp...@gmail.com>
To: users@httpd.apache.org; Tom Frost <fro5...@yahoo.com> 
Sent: Thursday, 3 January 2013, 11:36
Subject: Re: [users@httpd] VirtualHost configuration not working as expected 
with ePages solution

What Apache version are you running?

Have you added something like below in httpd.conf

NameVirtualHost your_ip_address:80


<VirtualHost your_ip_address:80>
DocumentRoot /var/www/html/path
ServerName another.url.com
ServerAlias another.url.com

Replace your_ip_address with the IP of the machine Apache is running on

On Thu, Jan 3, 2013 at 4:54 PM, Tom Frost <fro5...@yahoo.com> wrote:

>I have a Centos server running ePages (which runs on Apache). Now I want to 
>use the same server to host a couple of other sites as well, but I can't seem 
>to get my configs working correctly. I'm not sure if anyone is familiar with 
>epages (I've looked on their forums to no avail), but this is the epages bit 
>of the config:
><VirtualHost _default_:80>
><Location /epages/>
><IfDefine LB> ProxyPass balancer://cluster/epages/ ProxyPassReverse 
><IfDefine !LB> ProxyPass http://myinternal.url:8008/epages/ ProxyPassReverse 
>and this is what I've added
><VirtualHost my.ip.add.res:80> DocumentRoot /var/www/html/path/
>ServerName another.url.com
>ServerAlias another.url.com </VirtualHost>
>Now I was under the impression that any request to "another.url.com" will go 
>to the DocumentRoot which I have added, and any other request will go to the 
>default which epages will handle.
>However, no matter how I go to the server, with any of the URLs pointing to 
>it, it always goes to the new vhost which I have added, and never goes to 
>epages anymore.
>I don't want to change the epages configuration if possible, can anyone shed 
>any light as to what's happening here?
>There is a lot more to the epages configurations, but not related to 
>VirtualHosts so I havent pasted it, but if I need to then let me know.
>Thanks in advance for any help
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