Dear Adam,

Try first to check your exchange server are accepting connection. Might your 
server firewall are currently blocking all the connections from proxy.



 From: Adam Gross <>
To: "" <> 
Sent: Sunday, January 20, 2013 9:56 AM
Subject: [users@httpd] Reverse Proxy with Exchange 2010

I am in the process of migrating from Exchange 2007 to 2010 and have hit a snag 
with the reverse proxy settings. My httpd.conf file that had been working with 
Exchange 2007 is as follows:
LogFormat = "%host %other %logname %time1 %methodurl %code %bytesd %refererquot 
CustomLog /var/log/apache2/access.log combined
LoadModule  proxy_module         /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
LoadModule  proxy_http_module    /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
LoadModule  headers_module       /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
LoadModule  expires_module       /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
LoadFile    /usr/lib/
ProxyPass   /owa                                http://internal_ip/owa
ProxyPass   /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync        
Running on:
VMware 5.1 guest
Linux 2.6.32-5-amd64
Apache 2.2.16 (Debian)
I change the internal_ip from the 2007 server to the 2010 server and I'm unable 
to use OWA from a web browser or connect mobile devices. Reverting internal_ip 
to the 2007 server results in OWA and mobile devices working for mailboxes on 
the 2007 server, but no connectivity for users with mailboxes on the 2010 
server. I have spent a few days now trying to find a solution to this through 
various channels with no luck. Based on what I have been able to find, it 
sounds like this can only be done now through Microsoft ForeFront for some 
reason (something to do with M$ using a non-standard protocol), but I'm hoping 
that isn't the case. I am fervently hoping someone on this list has had a 
similar experience and could provide some guidance. Thank you very much.
Adam Gross | | 859-630-8722
My Amazon Wish List:
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