On 12/02/2013 7:42 PM, "Csaba Kecse-Nagy" <kecsole...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to construct a directive in my httpd.conf file that is for
all non-success responses of my site.
> In the following link
http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_headers.html#Header there is a
sentence which would be perfect if I could set: "You're adding a header to
a non-success (non-2xx) response, such as a redirect, in which case only
the table corresponding to always is used in the ultimate response."
> Please help me constructing a directive section into the configuration
file that handles all not successful (non-2xx) responses. I would like to
manipulate some header parameters, something like this:
> <LocationMatch "/">
>       Header non-success unset Cookiename
> </LocationMatch>
> Thanks in advance.
> Csaba

You are looking after Status-Code header. Read here for its values

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