I have a RewriteCond issue:

I have a URI: /II/anydirectory/anyfile

I can get an exact match:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^/II/([^/]+)/(.+)$

So if I want the /II part to be optional in the match:

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} ^(/II)?/([^/]+)/(.+)$

Now any thing can get through, since the /II part is optional, it seems to be 
taken out of the equation and I am left with the equivalent of:


Of course /II/anyfile now matches, not the required /II/anydirectory/anyfile

So why is the fact that (/II)? IS in the URI, but not considered now as part of 
the overall match?  Is this just a rule of optional groupings that they will 
get ignored in the match?


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